This 150-ton monster lift beam is an adjustable spreader with moving padeyes.
The AK18A00-00A-PA adjustable spreader delivers strength and accuracy in lifting special equipment. It is currently being used by one of our power company customers to mobilize their Low Pressure and High Pressure Turbine Rotors. This task requires extreme accuracy in order to prevent damage to the other power equipment. This item is proof tested in our facility and can be customized to meet your lifting requirements.
- PROOF TESTED to 125% (375,000 LB) and certified.
- CALCULATED WEIGHT: 11,160 LB. (Stand - Required with Purchase: 320 LB.)
- FINISH: Sandblast, prime and paint safety yellow.
- STANDARDS: Specification #EAD21000A applies. Designed to meet or exceed ASME B30.20, & BTH-1, Design Category B, Service Class 0.
- CUSTOM OPTIONS: Lifter can be customized for your application, inquire for other load capacities or sizes.
Please inform your salesperson if your lifter is to be used in an underwater environment.